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4001 Yancey Rd, Suite C-200
Charlotte, NC 28217
Ph: 877-330-1331

Your local LINE-X store is open for business! Each store is closely adhering to CDC guidelines for safety. Please call your local LINE-X store for details.

Your local LINE-X store is open for business! Each store is closely adhering to CDC guidelines for safety. Please call your local LINE-X store for details.

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Blog Ff Soregon

Featured Franchise: LINE-X of Southern Oregon

Owners Justin Duncan and Mark Chatelain are very proud of their LINE-X shop in Medford, Oregon because they have built their business on two principals: always provide exceptional customer service, not just for today, but with tomorrow in mind. They also take pride in having extensive knowledge of their products and services to best inform the customer. More than half of their business is spraying LINE-X PREMIUM bedliners. They also have a strong selection of products and services to offer each customer and are now focusing on growing their business vertically by increasing their support they provide to their existing products instead of just adding more products and sacrificing support to their customers.

Blog Bedliners Commercial 01

Commercial Bedliners

Commercial vehicles endure the roughest, toughest and most challenging jobs across all kinds of industries. But even the harshest situations are no match for the iconic protective power of LINE-X Commercial Bedliners. When it comes to companies protecting their commercial vehicles/trucks and utility beds, there is no other alternative.

Blog Pc Commmunicpal Emergencyvehicles

Emergency Vehicles

Emergency responders are ‘heroes’ in their own right. So it makes sense that only superhero-like protective power for their vehicles will do. LINE-X coatings – the same scientifically-advanced material that protects the Pentagon, government buildings and military vehicles from bomb blasts – work perfectly for light industry and emergency vehicles.